Rescued From The Lapse Of Time

SKU: OLB-BKS-13 Categories: ,

Hard Cover
80 Pages
8.75 x 11.5 inches
Sold Out

Featuring the illustrations of Rafal Olbinski and poetry of Elzbieta Kulec. Hard cover book in color with 80 pages, 8.75 x 11.5 inches.

“From the moment I saw Rafal Olbinski’s paintings, I discovered that the theme in his work reflected my own poetry and other paintings inspired me to create new poems.

When I presented Rafal with a portfolio consisting of his work with corresponding poems to individual paintings, his response was very positive. He liked my interpretations of his images in the form of poetry. Thus began my collaboration with Rafal and the dream of telling our stories came true. The recently published book is the final realization of that dream…art and poetry woven together with a common thread”.

Elzbieta Kulec

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